Monthly Archives: March 2008

Hush little Puppy…sleeping so soundly

Various sleeping poses…



Love is…

Just went for my church’s focus group today. Rather it is a zone level one which my cell shephard asked me to take part in.

And i sheepishly told the facilitator that it was my first day (it was session 4 since the year began). Bo bian, missed the first few cos of cg retreat, reservist, and work.

Some of you are wondering now what relation it has to dating. Well, the topic today was LOVE.

In general, love can be classified in 4 types:

Eros– This is the word used for sensual or physical love. Eros was the Greek god of love.

Stergo– This word means to feel affection, especially the affection between parents and children. It is also used of the affection of a people for their king or a dog for his master.

Philo–This is the general word for love and affection. It is used for attraction of people to one another without regard for family relationships, such as philadelphia, the love of a friend or brother

Agape –This is the word for Godly love.

And of course, God’s love is the greatest.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (KJV)

Interestingly, emotional love is only scrapping the top of the barrel. We all concurred that true love always involves long-suffering and sacrifice.

It’s a piece of cake to love people who are generally nice and good.

Try flipping the coin and love your greatest enemy. It’s a struggle right?

How can you love that guy who’s always gunning for your position and spreading tales about you?

How can you love that person who’s so nasty, bitter, and cynical, always downright pessimistic?

And could you possibly love someone who has betrayed your trust, confidence, and hurt you?

Jesus did. And He asked us to do the same.

In the same context, I believe we ought to approach every new friend we make with a same spirit. And if you really love your partner, it involves lots of unconditional sacrifice and giving.

Love does hurt. Ouch!

But anything worth that much to you must be paid for with a heavy price.

And usually you give what is dearest to you.

I am McLaren, Hear me ROAR!

Singapore’s first F1 race…coming real soon…..

mclaren in sg

Went for a free preview of the F1 to come to our shores come September.

4pm to 6pm on Sunday at the long straight road along grand old City Hall. I tell you, the engine was loud man. Can’t wait to actually see a race live.

There is really something about men and fast cars.

It’s to do with power. The feeling of having something so great under your control and fancy. Tickets are sure expensive though.

Any tai-tais wanna adopt a godson?


Was looking around for a funny pic for my customised header bar…

Chanced upon the following gems.

Mas Selamat nabbed in Europe. No point act blur, we can recognise you anywhere, after millions of posters, mmses, smses. Thanks interpol! Now can go JB….

Mas Selemat found in Europe!

The only way to break up with your internet-addicted partner.

Break-up technique

Definitely NOT a COUPLES T-Shirt.

Wrong T-Shirt for Couples

Speaking from a choking personal experience.

Corny spaceman

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…..

Hell hath no fury….

All I want for Xmas is my two front teeth…

Yes, Sherry is losing her milk teeth.

So happens to be in front first.

Toothless dog

Snowbells Ringing

Last thurday, Singapore saw hailstones raining for a brief 20 minutes in some parts of Bishan, AMK and TP.

The news article was featured on channelnewsasia site.

Seems like with the weather being out of whack all over the world, I can perhaps pray for some air-con over our sunny isle.

Rudolf, will you be landing in Singapura anytime soon?

House of Spills

Yes, Crystal Jade Kitchen at BJ should be aptly renamed as such.

It is amazing.

Normally you wouldn’t bat an eyelid when someone spills something or drops a plate in the restaurant. So during lunch, a waiting staff crashed some plates. No big deal….carry on eating/talking…

Then the patrons on the table on my right spilled their drink all over the table. Ok ….careless…careless…I thought to myself…

5 minutes later, the patron on my left spilled their drinks as well. Gosh, butter fingers today for everyone…

The grand finale was when another waitress overturned the water on the table on the right which spilled onto my friend. Over her legs and shoes.

It is just so hard to fathom.

Perhaps we missed a signboard outside the restaurant “Free meal with every spillage”?

A Good Life

Teacher of all time - Ms TanI was flipping through my SABS primary school magazine (The Anthonian) last night.

A trip down memory lane.

Also went through some old photos of our Pri 6 class with my best teacher ever, Mrs Joyce Choo (we called her Miss Tan before she married). Kudos to Kenneth Pinto for what I may call the best written memories of her.

Though Miss Tan lived a short life, I believe every moment of it was a testimony to God’s greatness and goodness. She was the first mentor I had in my life who taught me values, character, integrity, and fed us boys spiritual bites.

Her belief in each and every one of our innate potential and ability to succeed spurred us on to be more creative, curious and proud of our efforts, no matter how big or small.

We even produced our own class magazine for 2 years, 1988 and 1989.

Though it was rudimentary (photocopied b&w and stapled), it gave us the platform to explore our creative writing and drawing skills. Plus it was my first foray into the world of publishing. More about it in subsequent chapters.

I think she showed us what it means to live a good life, to fight the good battle, to press onward towards victory.

For me, I have set my priorities in life accordingly.

1) Relationship with God

2) Relationship with others

3) Vocation/Career/Business

My good friend Nick has a nice cliche-like mantra:

“Have a thirst for your future as if you’ll live forever, Live your life presently as if you’ll die today”

I was thinking some many years back, in the wilderness of the australian outback, wearing my national greens and serving full time ns, what would I really think about or cherish on my deathbed.

Not the numbers that tell you how much you amassed, or the material things of the world, nor the achievements in the boardroom, but rather every single memory I had of relationships I have had the pleasure of building, through the fair weather or thunderstorms of life.

And certainly, it always warms my heart to remember my childhood friends.


Sunday morning chores:

Sherry was super messy today. Even had to clean the grills of the pen. I simply cannot understand how her crap can fly outside her pen. Must be watching too much football on tv.

Had to clean her tray twice within 1 hour.

Anyway, as the saying goes, (a dog’s) life is shit….

One hot dog (No Chilli hor)

Hot Day at the ParkSaturday was One Fine Day at West Coast Park.

My church had a family/friends fun day at the park.

Games, food, songs and good cheer. I was really happy for the sunny weather, given the downpour few days ago.

Sherry managed to be still while I drove her in my car alone for the first time. Most of the other times either my mum or sis will be carrying her. The trick was to tie the leash with just enough lag to allow her to lie down on the car seat.

While she was always extremely hyper at home, here she was visibly toned down, after a few minutes of wandering about the park. It really must be the heat. The poor dog surrendered after a while and was content to just lie on the ground.

After we came home in the afternoon, hot dog cooled down and was back to her usual antics. Aka crap everwhere, bite everything and everyone, and run like mad.

Moral of the Story: Hot dogs are lazy dogs.