Monthly Archives: June 2012

Book Review – Gordon Ramsay’s Playing With Fire

I must admit that as I was paying the ten bucks for the book, a sense of trepidation filled my mind and I was wondering things like, “What if the whole book was just an expository for how many ways and variations Gordon Ramsay could say the F-word?”

But then again, it was just ten bucks that screamed at me from the shelves not of a bookstore (they are becoming extinct nowadays with closures of MPH, PageOne and such), but rather the convenience store inside a gas station. Imagine buying a book from a gas station. Not your typical add ons like parking coupons, sweets or drinks.

So what led me to write a review of his book?

Simply because it’s really a good book. You got the ingredients like a hard life (lots of hard work) at the bottom of the mountain, then the little breaks and amazing partnership that Ramsay forged with his father-in-law Chris (yeah, of all people a father-in-law!), and the multiple excitements and adrenaline rush from his subsequent restaurant openings and business growth. Add to that a strong layer of good old business and wise principles of taking care of your staff, demanding the highest standards, and a big dose of humility and being grounded in all that uphill climb.

Ramsay’s narration is also quite refreshing, as it is shared quite directly and frankly, in a manner that spells, “We just say it like it is!”. Quite a breeze to read, put down, and pick up again, that I finished the book in 2 days.

Just like good food, Gordon Ramsay has me hooked. And I am on the search for his other titles (not the cookbooks yet).